ThE GrEaTeSt ReGrEtS iN oUr LivEs ArE ThE RiskS wE diD nOT TakE.
If U ThiNk SOmEtHing wILL MakE u haPPy, GO FOR IT. ReMemBer ThaT wE pAsS ThIS WaY OnLy OncE.
Bottom-line : Time doesn't wait. If you think you might have found the right one, treasure the person, don't let that person get away.
Don't let fear hold You back. Give it a try else you might regret later... "No one other than ourselves know what can truly make us happy."
my father's birthday is actually on 29th sept but we celebrated it 1 day earlier :) kylie was dressed in a korean outfit that day and she looked super chubby!!! look at her cute little tummy lol
went on the KPE for the first time and i managed to take this shot of the singapore flyer from the expressway, so pretty!
went to have dim sum at asia grand restaurant opposite raffles hotel... the food was very very good! yumz~ i love the peking duck! and guess what, there's 炸两 here~ fried dough fritters wrapped in cheong fun... i was so excited to see it cause i really missed the hk 炸两!
sis bought a banana choc cake from jack's place and i love the banana mousse! though it was my dad's birthday, kylie blew out the candle for him instead haha...
it's really nice to see bee bee mingling so well with my family :)
after the meal, bee went for his driving lessons and i went shopping with my sis and bro-in-law at raffles city shopping centre... bad choice cause i spent a whopping $261 at bobbi brown :( in a spur of the moment, i got 3 eyeshadow, 1 blusher, 1 concealer, 1 corrector, 1 custom-made palette and 6 makeup lessons, felt so guilty now la bahz! i shall not shop for 2 months =x
went home to play mahjong with my siblings after that and watched the f1 race together at night... the race was drama-filled manz! haha...
oh well it's monday tomorrow and welcome back to school week woohooooo -_-z
went for tuition in the evening before meeting him at vivo for dinner... we got prezzies for each other! he got me a disney monopoly set and i got him earphones as he is in serious need of one lol... i even wrapped it nicely lor as shown in the previous post haha...
i had a hard time searching for the earphones... i thought sim lim will have it but i couldn't find it in any shop at all, i combed all 6 storeys! :(
anyway after that, i passed by this computer shop at compass point and decided to try my luck, tadah i found the earphones here!
i remember telling him that from young, i always wanted a monopoly set cause i love playing the game haha and my childhood dream got fulfilled today =p the disney edition is so cute!!! i love it! thank you :)
his henna drawing for a grant-a-wish party he's involved in
we met some of his friends for dinner at carl's junior before we went off to pa tor on our own :)
went shopping around a bit before i gave him a little surprise :) bought candles from ikea a few weeks ago for this
i had a hard time lighting the candles cause there was strong wind :(
and something funny happened next! we heard some weird noise and suddenly, sprinklers appear out of nowhere to water the grass patch -_- we are so damn sway to be sitting right at the grass patch so u can imagine how wet we got lol... some other people sitting on the grass patch also kanna the water haha... so lesson learnt: dun sit on the vivo grass patch at 10pm -_-
we blew out the remaining candles and went to the toilet to dry ourselves hahaha... damn stupid spoil my surprise but at least i got a few decent photos of everything before it happened =p
went starbucks after that and we had a nice chat hehehe
was looking at the monopoly set on the train and everything is so cute!!! the board very colourful, i like! and there's winnie the pooh!!! haha... also, instead of the normal community chest and chance cards, the disney edition call the cards showtime and magic moments hehe so cute right!
was looking at our camera's photos just now and realized that we have some pics from last sunday!
on the shuttle bus to telok blangah!
at vivocity before going to marche to eat!
with my mum at the entrance of marche waiting for my sis to come!
marche entrance and i was pouting dunno why lol, i think it's cause i asked my mum to take another photo with me at the entrance but she refused and bee bee just pressed the shutter
here are my new shopping loots recently!
i really should stop shopping so much and start to save up so that i can buy myself a nice prezzie for my 21st birthday heez :)
long time didn't post photos up =p reformatted my lappie last week and i was too lazy to go transfer back my photos from my harddisk hehe...
some backdated photos!
studying with him on a weekend at kfc
had cravings for ikea meatballs and we went to the ikea at tamp to satisfy my cravings! 6 chicken wings were too much for us though, full to the max!
last weekend was well-spent with my family and loved ones :)
saturday was a happy day out with lianny! she got a haircut on that day itself before meeting me and i cut my hair last thursday... my hair now very short as compared to before :(
we met at plaza sing and had high tea at mos burger hee my new love there is the chilli dog yum yum! after eating, we went for some intensive walking and shopping!!!
shopped at ps first and we almost bought 2 pair of shoes but we decided to head further downtown first and see if we can find prettier shoes =p
stopped by cine and took photo stickers, very old-school but it's one of our favourite tradition :) and we continued to fool around in the booth after that using our own camera to camwhore hehehe
we managed to comb cine, taka, paragon and far east plaza all the way till 8 plus at night and we bought shoes at fep! after this, we concluded that whenever we head out together, we will ALWAYS end up buying shoes haha... which come to think about it, it's really true!
passed by this f1 display at tangs and i asked her to go take a photo with the 2 "shuai ges" hehehe
after dinner at fep, we walked all the way back to the cathay at dhoby for our starbucks session! really walked alot that day, from dhoby to fep and back again =x
managed to get comfy seats at starbucks and we just nua there with our iced green tea latte, wootz shiok!
played charades, bingo and hangman on the napkins, silly fun!
there was this funny incident which happened after that:
we were happily getting out of starbucks and walking towards dhoby mrt station...
her: thanks fenny, fun day out today (something along that line la, i forgot her exact words already)
suddenly, she turned around with a bird face expresion and at the same time, i also gave her a look of shock and grabbed her hand cause we both realized the same thing......................................... we left our shopping loots at starbucks and totally forgotten about it!
we ran all the way back with our stomach aching from laughter and the running...
it was funny at that moment because right after she said it was a fun day out, both of us had the same thinking next and that is hmmm what did we do that was so fun? which in turn led to us remembering that we walked and shopped a lot and tadah the realization: where's our shopping loots!
her bird face was really funny and i really almost keeled over from laughter and peed, thankfully, my bladder still can control hahaha...
managed to retrieve our things after much amusement
and here's my new heels! which wouldn't had been here if lianny hadn't said that classic sentence =x i love the colour of the heels and the sheen is much prettier in real life! love love!
went for the whampoa west chapter friendship gathering at telok blangah with my family and babyyy on sunday afternoon... after that, we headed for high tea at vivo's marche, the food standards had dropped drastically and i really dun think i will go back again anytime soon! :( sad the marche at heeren used to be really nice!
my sis and bro in law made plans with bee bee and i to go play badminton at bishan stadium later in the night... and so we went home to get a change of clothes and shoes... it was the first time we 4 are playing doubles with each other and it was really fun! went for supper at boon keng after that and baby commented that my sis can eat a lot though she's super skinny haha...
badminton makes me happy! beach volleyball too! i love playing with baby, his friends and of course lianny but it's been a long time since we went sentosa :( hope we can find time to go soon!
half of recess week is almost gone! will be busier for the next half of the sem definitely as i dun have any presentations at all in the 1st half of the sem... hopefully nov will come by faster as it will mean the holidays yay! nitey all~
dun have much to blog about as my weekend was pretty much spent studying... but i did had my cravings for ikea meatballs satisfied :) and i had managed to meet my lianny on fri for supper :) :) :) i love gossipy talks with her!
sighz gonna take the ftt again tomorrow shucks i think i am gonna fail again i didn't even study for it this time round :(
my family just booked a trip to vietnam for this coming nov, i was asked to join them but i didn't want to... lonely nov for me! but at least they made an effort to come back on the day just before my birthday to spend it with me :)
bee bee sprained his ankle while playing basketball! i hope his leg recovers soon!!!
gonna go sleep now... :( and on a random note, for the past few days, i keep wondering what's the worth in living this life of mine???
managed to spend more time with my family for the past 1 week and i am happy for that =)
daddy treated the whole family including bee bee to a penang buffet dinner at york hotel on thursday! the penang buffet is a bi-annual event for the hotel and the food available was simple but yummy!
kylie with MY carebear on the way to the hotel
our 1st helping haha we took so much and this was just half of the table =p
my sis and bro-in-law
toilet break!
i just realized: his fingers very short horz? haha
we ate from 6 plus till 9 plus and were so damn full after that, bloated stomach!
finally caught the movie 4bia over the weekend... had been looking forward to it and the show was quite good! i brought myla along to hug and cover my eyes though LOL damn childish i know but i needed comforttt!
baby myla
dim sum breakfast with my family, kylie is looking super cute with her new headband!
afterwhich was a studying session at the airport with popeye's as the reward!
went in jb on monday with my mum and sis-in-law... went to the pasar malam there and it's SOOO different from the ones we have in singapore... bought lots of things there! and we bought 30 sticks of magnum ice cream back cause it's only RM$3.30 there as compared to SGD$3.80/3.90 over here... cheaper by more than half!!!!!! i love magnum!
1st day of school for the week again tomorrow sighz i am having tuesday blues! can recess week come any faster? =x tata all~